This is Part 2 of ’20 Basic Japanese Phrases For Beginners’ You can find Part 1 here. 20 Basic Japanese Phrases for Beginners (Part. 1) Keep some notes in your notebook as you go. 📔 11. どういたしまして。 Douitashimashite. You are welcome. I know it’s very difficult to pronounce! It means ‘You are welcome’, It …
Day: July 29, 2020
20 Basic Japanese Phrases for Beginners (Part. 1) Free Printable PDF + Audio Files
Let’s learn 20 Basic Japanese Phrases today! They are very useful expressions when you speak Japanese. Please listen to the audio I have recorded so you can practice them. Study tips: You can print out the list and stick to your wall. 🖨 Keep some notes on your Japanese notebook while studying here.📝 Tanoshinde …