Grammar and Kanji list of Tobira📝

Lesson 7
日本のポップカルチャー 📺
Japanese pop culture

Lesson 6
Japanese people and the religion

Lesson 8
日本の伝統芸能 👘
Japanese traditional performing arts

Lesson 11
日本の歴史 🏯
Japanese history

Lesson 10
日本の便利な店 🏪
Japanese convenient stores

Lesson 12
日本の伝統工芸 📜
Japanese traditional crafts

Lesson 13
日本人と自然 🗻
Japanese people and nature

Lesson 15
世界と私の国の未来 🌏
The world and the future of my country

Lesson 14
日本の政治 🏢
Japanese politics

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